言情+伦理+商战居然能拍得如此索然无味全靠意大利口音和一些巧克力和屎的笑话撑过两个半小时(诚如影评所言this is a goldmine for tiktokkers)而且幸好有gaga不然无聊程度还会加倍这部电影给我的最大惊喜挡不住的疯情完整版是在结束以后我查演员表发现阿尔帕西诺和莱托居然出演了两个主要角色的时候…………
"Good or bad, it's all playing acting. If you play well, you fool the others. If you play badly, you can only fool yourself. If you can't even fool yourself, you can fool the ghosts." "People breathe, ghosts cannot. That's the only difference. People are ghosts, and ghosts are people."...「挡不住的疯情完整版」片尾好些個日本協力ね!