“Powder是天使拥有着天使一般的美丽心灵他的心灵就和他的皮肤一样洁白无瑕” “片中还有一段物理老师说的有关爱因斯坦的理论:人死后会有来生只因为能量永远不会停止它会传送但永不停止…… Powder最后消失在了闪电中也许就是告诉我们他成为了能量生命体最后他的消失或许可以理解为:上帝收回了这个遗落在人间的天使Powder在雷电中获得了自由找到了真正的归宿他是快乐的” “也许成长欧美私人家庭影院就是摆脱过去” “主人公的纯净善良” “Beyond everything that makes him different, is everything that makes him human.” 结尾很美好很感人~ “白人也歧视比他们更白的人”………….
ma ma do you remember, the old straw hat you gave to me, I lost that hat long ago, flew to the foggy canyon. yeh ma ma I wonder what happened to that old straw hat, falling down the mountain side out of my reach like your heart. suddenly that wind came up, stealing my