oh my fucking GOD!! how could you get some many great ppl and still suck this much!! It's not even funny anymore! it's not like jackass funny, it's NOT funny AT ALL! I can do dirty jokes but call me a hypocrite, i just don't see how balls on face n shit on your gf is funny.
前面几集笑不出来但这样的喜剧更像99会有的反映——直面社会巨变直面不平等和压迫直面冲突直面市民诉求最后两集恢复了原先的幽默和突转本色疯马秀是什么每个人都走向不同的归宿可每年都还有一次heist让他们重聚那样伤感的离别却让人相信一切都是最好的安排To be continued!